Sunday 25th June - super Sunday, well certainly a good day for sailing
This Sunday 25th June was the laser Super Sunday, and though the Lasers were in good supply (just under 20 I think) it was great day for a sail, warm, sunny, and a good breeze, the odd spill in the gusts, and a good course (if a little complex) from John Marshal.
Couldn’t get out in the morning due to RYA inspection (couple of fairly minor action points – which is good) so these are the afternoon race.
I went out to take some pictures of the laser start, but ended up with a lot more see below.
Super Sunday for Lasers
On Super Sunday June 25th 2023 24 ILCA’s (lasers in old money) turned up to enjoy uninterrupted blue sky and sunshine and a lovely 11 – 25 mph SW wind. The 24 boats in all 3 rigs enjoyed some great class racing and might just have been the most boats ever out in club racing at NCSC.
Race 1 got away first time and Alan Kenyon first to the windward mark and holding off allcomers for the first lap. Richard Mason managed to get past Alan when the wind picked up but Matt Reynolds will have probably have taken the race overall on handicap.
A big shout out to Irene Grovenstein who manged not only to just get round in style but complete this in tricky conditions. Well done! Another mention for John Ainsley in Race 1 who completed the race after numerous dramatic capsizes.
The fleet headed to the bank for lunch and well needed drink in the 28 degrees heat. Refreshing water melon was provided by fleet captain. (Yes me!!)
Race 2 got away with several of the fleet changing to smaller rigs. John Scott got to the windward mark first, closely followed by Sammy Mason in her ILCA 4, beating dad to the first mark put a big smile on her face. A slightly longer race with some close racing in the ILCA 6 fleet with both young and mature racers enjoying some very close racing…with Charlie Hopkinson coming home in first ILCA 6. For overall results we will have to wait for Ann Marie to work these out. Thankyou Ann Marie for doing this every week, including today.. our hero.
Rooster Prizes were awarded to Charlie Hopkinson for being star ILCA 6 sailor of the day and Sammy Mason for star ILCA 4 sailor of the day. Prizes also given to Irene Grovenstein and John Ainsley for endurance. Thank you to Dave Ebs for some awesome pics always.