Anne Clark receives RYA Volunteering award
Anne Clark received the RYA Guiding Light Award at a ceremony at the Dinghy show on 23rd February from Hannah Diamond – Women’s America’s Cup & Prof Sir Michael Arthur, chair of RYA.
Anne as many will know has run Sailability at the club for many years.
Below is the citation we sent to the RYA.
Anne is a retired teacher who has been sailing all her life. She was a member at Newark Argonauts Sailing Club. In 1995 Anne along with many Newark Argonauts sailors came to Notts County Sailing Club, as a result of water closure. She sailed a GP14 with her late husband at the club.
About eleven years ago Anne took over Sailability. The club had two HANSA boats (for the less able), and these were not being used to capacity. The HANSA travelling series visited the club, and Anne has organised volunteers, prizes, food for the event. The volunteers include training hoist operators, launching boats, safety, race officer, and general helping, including a member who can sign. In 2022 we celebrated the 21st HANSA Open, and in 2018 was instrumental in organising the HANSA National at the club, which required a large shore team to launch the 30 or so HANSAs in a timely manner. Anne is very keen on inclusion, trying to get sailors who have given up due to a disability back into sailing with some now regularly sailing and racing, one on the national circuit.
She has organised two of the excellent RYA disability awareness courses for members, encouraging flag officers and instructors to come and raise awareness of the various types of disabilities, and how to provide the best experience.
In the last few years she has put a steering group together to try and increase Sailability participation, containing instructors, less able sailors and other interested parties, all have direct knowledge.
This year she has led a new initiative, a regular supported sailing early evening on a Tuesday. This has had a good response with wheelchair users, young people with special needs and club members all trying the HANSA boats or the cobles.
Anne also organises local primary school visits in the late summer term, this year we hosted two days of tasters with 90 children trying sailing, again aided by a loyal band of helpers. Previously Chernobyl visits came under her wing in conjunction with local charities, often two days a year, the sailing day was often the favourite with the children (and the hosts!). Over several years Portland College (a local rehabilitation centre) has visited.
Finally there are the cakes, often made by her and members of the team to thank the volunteers after the events, encouraging more help next time !