last Weekend in July

Last weekend in July Plenty of action to start the summer holidays at the club. On Friday Ross, Steve and others hosted a sensory day mainly round power boating which was very well received (more to follow). Saturday saw a good turnout of Saturday Club, with loads helping led by Ross Ryan as beach master. […]

Aug Bank Holiday Monday 24 info

August Bank Holiday event Monday 26th Aug Our August bank holiday fun event is due to take place 26th august (members only) More information will follow, but camping allowed and its always a good day Proposed events and activities (as of 24/7/24 – subject to change) welcome and booking in conservatory – volunteers needed for […]

Carnarvon visit

A visit by Carnarvon Primary was a huge success in early July

ILCA open 24

A good turnout of 23 Laser to the ILCA open on 7th July.

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