Scorpion Open 22

Good turnout for Scorpion open with around 30 boats. The racing was fast and furious with some good winds and sunshine.

winter series 22

Our Frostbite and Oakleaf series start at the end of the month. Visitors are welcome, at a very reasonable fee, (members free) and we can find a berth temporarily.

Keith Burgess

Very sad and shocked to report Keith Burgess a long time member died recently. The funeral arrangements are now on this link – all are welcome on 13th Oct.

Solo Hadron Aero open 22

A good turnout of 30 boats for the Solo, Hadron and Aero open, superb conditions and probably the last pdf the warmth, before Autumn sets in. Photos up report to follow.

Bob Tuckwood

Bob Tuckwood’s memorial service is this Friday (15th Sept) details on page. He was a long standing member of the club. It with great sadness we report his death, and we wish all his family best wishes.

Sun 11th Sept 22

A good turnout but light winds at the club on Sunday 22nd Sept.

RS 400 open 22

The 2022 RS400 Open took place on the first weekend in September, a report and photos.

Wednesday windsurfing

31st August saw, sun, wind and warm water so plenty took advantage to sail in the afternoon.

NCSC Games Aug Bank Hol 22

The Commodore, his wife and many other helpers ran an excellent and well attended August Bank Holiday games. Report and photos (over 100) on this link.

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