Busa Qualifiers

The Bush Midland qualifiers attended a good number of teams, with Nottingham University hosting the event.

County Cooler 23

The County Cooler took place over 28/29 Jan 2023 Saturday saw very light winds. the following day was a much better day report and results.

County Cooler

The annual midlands mini series takes place at 4 clubs around the East Midlands details here.

Fuddle photos

The fuddle had a good number in view of the weather and some World Cup thingy !

Topper Traveller NCSC

The Topper Traveler at Notts County Attracted nearly 30 entries on a bitterly cold day.

RYA Awards 2022

Charles Ferrar and Adrian Jones travelled to London to be awarded with RYA National Volunteer Awards in November

Work party 29 10 22

Thank you to everyone who came and helped at the work party along with a few photos.

A lesson to be learnt

John Rowell has penned an article on what can go wrong when you are least expecting it.

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