Awards evening 18th May 2024
Over 50 people were booked on the meal at the awards evening, the finger buffet was tasty and the brownies disappeared quickly. A team set out prizes with lots of codes to get them in the right order, food was served promptly and everyone enjoyed the sunshine even if the winds a little cool.
This that couldn’t make it your prizes are in the clubhouse in the corner opposite the bar door. The include: G Mawson, J Tailby, K Hope, G Knott, C Sourby, J Riddell, G Ball, P Henson, C Gimson, J Allen, J Willard, J Cresswell, C Rayton, H Moore, C Thomas, B Collins, Nicki, A sham, J Arnold, B law, I Aldred, R Ryan, A Somerfield, M Talliday, J sears, G Lanyon, I Ritchie, G Riddell, K Gunn, C Dyne, F Pascal, S Mason, O Bedroll, S Bullion, J Dayna, P Ogden, G Young, G Sprekley, C Willard, K Clark.