Blue Green Algae on lake
Traces of blue green algae have been seen on the shoreline of the main lake. As you will see from the linked advice the risk is hard to quantify and as a club we have assessed the situation and are happy that members may still use the water. No algae has been found on the small lake to date.
We suggest young children and pets are kept away from the shoreline and you are advised to shower after immersion in the water.
The two links below have advice from the RYA and Environment Agency which we suggest you read if you want more information.
This is a link to the RYA advice with downloadable guidance for more information.
Link to Environment Agency Advice
If you have any adverse reaction from potential algal exposure please let a Flag Officer know and complete the incident sheet so that we can monitor the situation.
We will keep this page up-to-date if the situation changes (and with the hot weather it may). If any significant areas of algae develop please see the signing on notice board in the conservatory which will map any areas where it has been found. If you find any large areas of algae presence please let us know.