Coaching guidelines - external coaches
The Executive and Sailing Committees set out below the requirements for using / employing external coaches by classes or other sections of the club.
- Classes / sections of club can organise their own training for members. It is acceptable to pay a coach/trainer – in principle these events should be self funding unless additional expenditure is approved by Exec. (or for classes up to £100 by Sailing Committee). The anticipated cost/income statement should be approved by the vice-commodore.
- Coaches who receive payment for their time shall be those who carry out training in a professional capacity are persons who undertake training at a range of venues and rely on such training as a source of income.
- Coaches who carry out training in a professional capacity shall submit an invoice for payment. In these cases the coach is responsible for any income tax or national insurance.
- Coaches who do not carry out training in a professional capacity may only claim travelling and incidental expenses according to NCSC policy. An NCSC expense form should be completed.
- The sailing committee shall approve water use and times (and publish on SCM)
- The Training room use shall be approved by Training Secretary (note any RYA club training activity takes precedence) the Hub (with tv) is available generally at other times.
- Safety cover shall be organised or provided by those organising the event (this does not count as a duty)
- Risk assessments shall be created by the organiser including operating procedure, the RYA Training school SOP and all other club policies including safeguarding shall be complied with.
- The club is normally able to facilitate payment and booking, through SCM
- The external trainer shall hold a suitable RYA recognised qualification or be able to demonstrate sufficient expertise in delivering training
- Coaches who carry out training in a professional capacity shall hold sports coaching insurance including Third Party Risk to a minimum value of £5 million and Professional Indemnity Cover to a minimum value of £1 million and should declare this to the Vice Commodore. Coaches who do not carry out training in a professional capacity and who do not hold such insurance shall be inducted as temporary members.
- One day training sessions may be open to external attendees subject to approval by the sailing committee The external attendees would pay a visiting sailor fee in addition to any other charges. Visiting sailors shall hold appropriate 3rd party insurance as for a racing event.
Feb 23