The club holds many events, sailing, socials, regattas, this page has links to key areas
The club calendar is kept up to date on Sailing Club Manager (SCM) public events are visible to all. Some events are members only so you will need to sign in to see every event at the club. You can sort events using the tags on the calendar to see what you want.
Socials page for ups to date news on social events
Training see calendar
Some key 2024 events are below:
- Race Officer Forum 23rd march
- Scorpion open 4,5,6 May
- HANSA Taster 7th May followed by Open on 15th
- Awards Evening at club 18th May
- 1st June Saturday Club starts (in May there is a Youth Stage 1 on Saturdays)
- Topper Champs (Sunday pm Racing) 8/9 June
- Windsurf Open 22nd June – Meal after
- ILCA Open 7th July
- Summer Regatta and family weekend 13/14 July
- RS400 Open 7/8 Sept
- Single handed (RS600,Aero, Solo) 28/29 Sept
- Fuddle social 22nd December