Flood updates thur 26/10/23
NCSC Flood Update 26 Oct 2023
The access track to the club is now clear of flood water and the lake level has dropped sufficiently to allow sailing to recommence. The level of the Trent has returned to within its normal range and is not expected to exceed this in the current forecast.
The usual safety boat pontoon is unlikely to be accessible, but the EZ Dock southern pontoon should be available for use via the extended gangway that is now in place. Please take great care when using this pontoon as the gangway may remain partially flooded, but passable, and will remain slippery, as willall other timber decking at the club.
The lake will be searched and cleared, as far as possible, of floating debris, but please be extra vigilant when on the water.
This Sunday sees the start of the Frostbite and Oakleaf seriesso please come down and enjoy the club as the winter race series gets underway.
The Galley will be open on Sunday as usual.
Finally we would welcome any members that are available this Saturday (28 October) to come down to the club to check their boat berths, there may be a few jobs to do but not many, the Commodore is expecting to be down around midday.