Race Spec and other Toppers available
Race-spec Topper and starter Toppers available for long-term loan from the Club – application deadline 16 April 2024
Calling all aspiring young Topper sailors…
NCSC has a race-spec Topper dinghy that was provided by the John Merricks Sailing Trust (JMST) in partnership with the RYA, with the aim of supporting youngsters who displayed enthusiasm, drive, talent and commitment to the sport and who may not ordinarily have had the opportunity or financial backing to achieve their goals. We are looking for an enthusiastic young racing sailor to take over use of this boat from April 2024 until August 2024 in the first instance.
In addition, NCSC also has two much more basic Toppers that are used for long-term loan, with similar (but earlier-stage) objectives in mind. We would like to hear from any keen young sailors who might be interested in taking up one of these boats (when one is available) to practice their sailing skills.
There is a bit more detail below, but for further information, please email or speak to Glyn Ritchie (RYA Dinghy Chief Instructor), Stephanie Gunn (Youth Race Squad co-ordinator) or Ross Ryan (Saturday Club co-ordinator).
JMST Race-spec Topper
For this boat, the club is looking for a young sailor who:
- Does not own their own boat
- Displays enthusiasm, drive and commitment to racing, including competing in open events.
However, the club will also consider someone that owns only a basic boat and displays enthusiasm, drive and commitment to racing.
The club would expect the young sailor to
- Use the boat to further their progress in sailing and sail racing
- Demonstrate commitment to sailing and sail racing throughout the loan period
- Attend NCSC Youth Race Squad Class; ideally also attend Association Regional travellers, open training events and RYA Junior Championships where possible.
Club Toppers
There are two entry-level Toppers available for long-term loan. The club is looking for early-stage young sailors who
- Do not own their own boat
- Display enthusiasm for sailing and are keen to develop their skills, for example to practice skills learnt on a youth Level 2 course before progressing to a youth Level 3 course
The club would expect the early-stage young sailors to:
- Use the boat to further their progress in sailing
- Demonstrate commitment to sailing throughout the loan period
The sailing could be at Saturday Club; informal “cruising”; or in racing (for example Tuesday evenings or Saturday afternoon) or Youth Race Squad. It does not have to be racing: the intention is to allow young sailors to build their skills and enthusiasm out on the water.
What do to next
Please speak to Ross, Stephanie or Glyn if you are potentially interested, or email.: juniorboatloans@ncsc.org.uk If you would like to apply then please send your application to by 16 April 2024.
- applicants should provide a short explanation of the sailing they have done so far; and how they think using the Topper for the year would benefit their sailing goals.
- If they wish, applicants can also name someone who would be happy to talk about the sailing that the applicant has done – though we would expect most applicants who are likely to be successful to already be well known to at least one member of the reviewing panel or the wider Training Team.
We expect to make a decision by 20 April 2024.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Other club boats
The club has other boats available for long term loan and short-term use for adults and juniors, as mentioned on the club website Use of Club Boats – Notts County Sailing Club (ncsc.org.uk). This sets out the boats available, the booking process and recommended experience levels, expressed in terms of RYA levels, but without certificates being required. If you have any questions, please contact Glyn Ritchie (RYAdinghy@ncsc.co.uk)