Junior Open 2024

The annual Junior open this year had a good number of entries from the club, from the more expert right to those entering their first race.

There were just under 20 entries, thanks to hard work by many including, John, Glyn, Neil and others. Neil & Sarah were out coaching with others helping this new top racing complete a lap, or a beat.

Whilst those at the top had some great close racing, generally headed by Cillian, Charles (MH), and James possibly the greatest achievements were much further down the fleet, as those new to racing managed a beat or a lap in testing conditions.

Race officer Rebecca Ogden set a trapezoidal course, and got the fleet off to a fairly prompt start, there were a few capsizes in the breeze, and the safety boots were kept busy checking on youngsters, or ferrying them in if they felt the conditions were too much.

Lunch saw the new caterers provide delicious sausage rolls (heated is best) and the paninis looked popular along with rocky road and ginger cakes, and hand made chips.

Only five points separated the top five and racing was close. Cillian Dyne won the first race, with Charle Miles-Hayler in second, for the next two races Charles won with Cillian second, so Charles won the Junior trophy, both were from Notts County in ILCA (lasers)

Third place in two races was Peter Gathergood, giving him third overall in a laser. Forth with a third and forth was Isabel Ritchie in her Europe. James Burton was firth in a Topper with two forths.

Results to right (or below)

Thanks to Alan Beaton for prizegiving photos.

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