Table of Contents (scroll down)
Link to Club Constitution (login required) which has details of memberships, visiting sailors, committees and officers and the like, please read both below and the Constitution.
Rules that apply to all Club Members & Guests
1. Access:
The main access road gates are kept locked, except during club events. Please ensure you bring your set of club keys (issued to you when you become a member) with you to the club so you can open and lock the clubhouse & gates. When leaving, check the clubhouse is empty. If no one is inside close & secure all the windows and balcony doors. Leave via the rear balcony door and lock its top & bottom locks. If you have checked and believe you are the last person with a vehicle leaving the club compound lock the swinging barrier gates at each end of the access road. If in doubt, lock up as all members should have keys.
If you are down at the club alone and wish to lock a swinging barrier we suggest locking the nearest one to the lifting barrier in case of an accident.
2. Speed limits:
15 mph speed limit on the access road and 10 mph within the club boundary. In the interests of safety and keeping road maintenance costs down, please obey these limits. This is especially important in the vicinity of parked cars near the clubhouse and slipways where there are likely to be young children and dogs.
3. Catering:
The galley and bar are open for the purchase of food and drinks during club racing and social events. At other times, members may make themselves hot drinks. An honesty tray is provided for payment. Please return any crockery and cutlery, especially cups, to the galley. Please wash up & dry dirty items before returning them to the counter or storage cupboards below.
4. Smoking:
There is no smoking in any part of the clubhouse.
5. Dogs:
It is a condition of our lease that dogs are kept under control at all times. All dogs are to be kept on a lead in the vicinity of the clubhouse, play area or boat park. Any fouling is to be cleared up by the person responsible for the dog. Dogs are not permitted in the main clubhouse except working dogs for disabled persons.
6. Guests:
Guests of members are welcome to visit & use the club facilities. Guests must be signed in to the Visitors book in the corridor above the First Aid cupboard. You are responsible for them and their conduct. You must remain on the club site throughout their visit. You may sign up to 4 guests on any one occasion and they can visit up to 12 times a year. They may use the water 3 days in any year, crewing or helming in a maximum of 6 races.
Guests may launch and sail their own craft up to 3 times a year upon payment of a daily fee at the bar or to a member of the Club Executive committee. The current fees are published on the Race Office Notice board in the conservatory and in the bar. This link will take you to them (sign in required). See sections 7 – 9 below which apply to members and guests.
7. Liability:
Members of the Club, their guests and visitors use the Club premises and any other facilities of the Club entirely at their own risk and, by implication acknowledge that the Club will not accept any liability for any damage to or loss of property belonging to Members, their guests or visitors to the Club. Similarly all sailors take to the water entirely at their own risk and the club cannot be held responsible for any loss and damage to persons or property however caused. Every owner / user warrants the suitability of their sailing craft for use on the water. The safety of the craft and her entire management, including insurance, shall be the sole responsibility of the owner / user who must ensure that the craft and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise. Junior members must be supervised when cruising and parents, or their representatives, are responsible for ensuring that appropriate safety cover is available.
RYA approved RISK STATEMENT in relation to racing:
Rule 3 of the Racing Rules of Sailing states: “The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.” Sailing is by its nature an unpredictable sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. By taking part in the event, each competitor agrees and acknowledges that:
- They are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the sport and accept responsibility for the exposure of themselves, their crew and their boat to such inherent risk whilst taking part in the event.
- They are responsible for the safety of themselves, their crew, their boat, and their other property whether afloat or ashore.
- They accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by their own actions or omissions.
- Their boat is in good order, equipped to sail in the event and they are fit to participate.
- The provision of a race management team, patrol boats if any and other officials and volunteers by the event organiser does not relieve them of their own responsibilities.
- The provision of patrol boat cover if any is limited to such assistance, particularly in extreme weather conditions, as can be provided in the circumstances.
- It is their responsibility to familiarise themselves with any risks specific to the venue or a particular event drawn to their attention in any rules or information produced for the venue or event and to attend any competitor briefing held for the event.
Parents/guardians, or their representative, acknowledge and accept that their sailors are entirely responsible for themselves and their boats on land and on the water.
8. Insurance:
ALL persons and craft whether cruising or racing, stored or sailed at the club must carry current third-party insurance with a minimum cover of £3,000,000 (but £5,000,000 recommended). Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered a gross misconduct, which may result in the member responsible for the craft being expelled from the club, and further action as appropriate. Those involved in an incident likely to result in an insurance claim must pass details of their insurance to all parties involved.
9. Accidents / Incidents:
All accidents, breakages and incidents must be recorded one of the incident forms which are kept in the First aid cupboard in the main clubhouse corridor. These forms allow a club insurance claim to be made if appropriate. Please also record any near misses which can help all of us avoid a more serious incident.
First aid equipment is available in the first aid cupboard and in the training hut. A defibrillator is located in the main corridor of the club next to the Key cupboard.
10. Safeguarding policy:
The Club Safeguarding policy is available on the club website and is displayed in the clubhouse.
11. Berthing or boat park:
Dinghies, windsurfer boards and windsurfer trailers only may be stored in designated club berths upon payment of a berth fee.
To enable the boat park to function correctly the following guidelines should be adhered to; your cooperation is appreciated:-
a. All members requiring a boat berth should contact the boat park manager by email:-
b. Please do not put a boat into a berth which is not assigned to you. The Boat Park team have authority to remove it.
c. The Boat Park team have a list of those who have paid their boat berth fee each year. The spaces in the boat park are numbered and they record which members they are allocated to. Members who already have berths and renew in successive years will normally retain those berths.
d. Members who have not renewed their membership by 1st March will have their dinghies moved to a holding area. They will be advised of this and a monthly fee applied in addition to their outstanding membership & berthing fees as detailed in the NCSC Constitution.
e. No craft other than dinghies and boards may be stored at the club and only one dinghy is permitted in each berth.
f. All designated berths (except some Toppers & Optimists) should have sunken anchor points. Members are required to ensure their craft are suitably tied down.
g. Members are responsible for ensuring their berths are kept tidy and foliage cut. Please do not rest or tie your dinghies onto the wooden berth dividing rails to avoid damaging them.
h. Should you sell/buy a dinghy to/from an existing member and wish to retain the berth please contact the Boat Park Manager in order to keep the SCM data base updated.
i. There is a designated area for windsurfer trailers and a limited number of windsurfer board berths within a secured container. Please contact if you want a berth.
j. Dinghy trailers must not be left in car parking areas. Trailers may be stored in the area within the Coppice adjacent to the main car park. Please mark your trailer with your name and membership number using green tags available from the Boat Park Manager. Road bases used to support and secure boats & trolleys in their berths must not obstruct adjacent berths.
k. Vehicles are not permitted to enter the dinghy park under any circumstances to ensure safety and no damage to boats or the grass surface.
12. Barbecues on Club site:
Only gas BBQs are permitted to be used at the club. Care should be taken to ensure that the BBQ is elevated off the ground and away from buildings/vehicles. Under no circumstances are DISPOSABLE BBQs permitted at the club due to the potential fire risk.
13. Camping;
Under our Lease the Club may permit members and visitors for Open & club organised Social events to camp in the club grounds (in tents, caravans or motor homes) on a limited number of occasions each year. The Executive committee agree and publish the dates annually. The permission to camp is a concession granted on the understanding the grounds are not used solely as a camp site. No waste facilities, piped water or electricity are provided. There is no charge to camp for members.
14. Photographs:
We often take photographs for publicity uses. These may be published in web-based media (E.g. Club Website, Facebook) or in printed material. See Photo policy.
If anyone has any objection to photos of themselves or their children being used please contact we can update your SCM data base record. We will endeavour to avoid publishing your images.
15. Rights to use names and likenesses:
Members and club users automatically grant to the club authority without payment the right in perpetuity to make, use and show any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television of or relating to events at the club.
16. Contact Details:
It is a condition of membership that an up-to-date e mail, telephone number and postal address is provided to the membership secretary. If you are not receiving the email newsletter every month your email may be incorrect in the club database. You can update your details on Sailing Club Manager. The link takes you to a help page. If you have any issues please contact
Rules applying to all water users
17. Sailing season:
The sailing season is defined by the club’s lease. Sailing is not permitted without express permission from the Landlord outside these times as doing so may result in our lease being revoked. The current sailing season is (dawn to dusk):
- Any day from 2nd February to 30th September.
- In October: Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays & Nottinghamshire half term.
- 1st November through to 2nd February: Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the year.
- 1st January.
- In September each year the Sailing Secretary will compile a list of additional dates for which permission is requested (e.g. for training & Open events during October, November, December & January) and will publish the dates granted on the Club Calendar displayed on the website.
18. Intent:
The intended and main overarching use of the waters is for sailing craft, paddle boards and the necessary powered craft to provide support for training, safety cover or race management purposes.
19. Permitted sailing craft:
Use of the water is restricted to monohull sailing dinghies under 22ft in overall length (including any bowsprit or similar contrivance when fully extended) and/or with a PYN not lower than a 29er which is currently 894, windsurfers and wing boards.
Any person wishing to sail a boat with a lower PYN must have prior permission from the Sailing Committee.
Wing boards and foiling boards are not permitted on the water whilst racing is taking place and must keep clear of other craft.
Catamarans, Trimarans and other multihull boats are not permitted under the terms of the lease at any time.
The club’s priority is to facilitate regular use of the water by members for sailing, windsurfing, wing boards and paddle boarding. Other craft (canoes, kayaks, cruisers, rafts, rowing boats or motor boats) are not generally permitted use of the water. The use of other craft may, on occasion, be permitted by the Sailing Committee. This will generally be as part of an organised activity. The following aspects will be reviewed by the Sailing Committee when considering any applications for use of the water:
- Such craft should keep clear of areas where sailing and windsurfing is occurring.
- All craft must carry suitable 3rd party insurance (to a minimum value £5m)
- A formal request (email or letter) is made to the Sailing Committee for use of the water NOTE, if the request is from an active club member, such member should first check the requested date on Sailing Club Manager for viability. No request will be considered unless the member can confirm that a prior check has been made.
No organised club meeting, racing or regular activities are carried out without the express written permission of the NCSC Exec - Safety boat cover must be arranged in advance with suitably trained personnel and then only with the permission of the Sailing Committee
- All safety boats are responsible for providing emergency cover to any sailor in difficulties on the lake without exception.
- The Club, through quorate NCSC Exec agreement, retains the right to forbid use of other craft on either lake at any time for a limited or extended period with no need to provide any reasons or justification.
- Other craft are not to be stored on the club’s premises unattended at any time unless with the express written agreement of the Exec, and with suitable security provisions will have to be in place at the cost of the owner.
20. Cruising during Racing:
During club racing cruising craft are asked to keep clear of racing craft and the start and finish area (adjacent to the committee boat). Cruising sailors who stray into the racing area may be advised to sail in other parts of the lake which are not in use.
During our Open Meetings no cruising, windsurfing or paddle boarding is allowed on the main lake unless the Sailing Secretary and/or the Race Officer running the event has expressly given permission.
21. Executive Authority:
The Club Executive controls all sailing and all members must adhere to the instructions given by the Race Officer. The Race Officer’s instructions may be overruled, and must abide by, instructions agreed and issued by two members present qualified as being a Flag Officer, President, Sailing Secretary or a member of the Sailing Committee.
22. Powerboats & Safety Craft:
Only approved drivers who have undertaken the Club Safety Course or who are vetted and deemed competent by the Chief Instructor (Powerboat) may use a club powerboat. This might include external drivers. Approval may be delegated by the Chief Instructor Powerboat to another Power Boat Instructor or the Sailing Committee as required. Generally boats should be crewed by two people capable together of rescuing individuals who are in the water, e.g. by pulling them into the Safety boats. One must be an adult older than 18 years.
All boats must be checked prior to use as instructed in the Club Safety Boat course and notes in the Race Team instructions, refuelled and properly locked away after use. All adult members are encouraged to be familiar with the use of the safety boats in case of an emergency whether as crew or driver.
Age restrictions
Age | Under 18 Not allowed in the powerboats, except under the follow circumstances: | |
Junior | Adult supervision on board | |
Under 18 | when being rescued | yes |
under instruction as part of an approved training activity | the relevant RYA instructor/Race Coach on board as approved by Chief Instructor / person in charge of the training activity. | |
Under 18 Instructing on Approved Training Activities and not themselves a driver | Junior Assistant Instructor, RYA Assistant Instructor or RYA Instructor | an adult driver who holds a Level 2 RYA Powerboat certificate. |
14 – 15 Instructing on Approved Training Activities | Driving – holds a Level 2 RYA Powerboat certificate and RYA Assistant Instructor | An adult who holds a Level 2 RYA Powerboat certificate. |
16 – 17 Instructing on Approved Training Activities | Driving – holds a Level 2 RYA Powerboat certificate and RYA Assistant Instructor or RYA Instructor | an adult crew-member |
16-17 Safety boat cover for Club Racing or Approved Training | Driving – deemed fit by the Chief Instructor, (Powerboat) | an adult crew-member |
The Chief Instructor (Powerboat) may authorise social and non-club members who have the correct RYA Powerboat and/or Safety boat Driver qualifications to drive club powerboats. Approval may be delegated by the Chief Instructor Powerboat to another Power Boat Instructor or Sailing Committee as required
Circumstances in which authority can be granted are:-
1) To provide powerboat instruction during training activities.
2) For qualified Coaches and to provide safety cover for Open meetings and approved events run by external organisations.
3) To undertake volunteer safety duties at the club.
All safety boat users are advised to read RYA G16 (reference copies in clubhouse training room).The priorities for a safety boat and its crew are never in doubt and are in the following order.
1. Safety of yourself, your crew and your safety boat
2. Safety of people being rescued
3. Safety of other people
4. Prevention of further damage to disabled boats and windsurfers
5. Recovery of disabled or capsized craft
6. Assisting the Race Officer to set the course and other uses such as coaching, training etc
Safety Crew Footwear
Closed toe footwear must be worn, equipped with straps, laces or zips to keep them on
Safety Crew Clothing
Safety crews must dress appropriately for the weather on the water in cold and hot or sunny conditions. They must wear a Buoyancy aid and have Waterproofs on board.
Club activities and Safety Boat Crewing
Activity | Double crew | Single crew |
Club racing and Open meetings | Must include one adult with the club safety boat qualification | In rare circumstances can be a single driver holding the RYA Safety Boat Qualification |
Club Training, Saturday Club, YRS etc. | The driver must hold the Club Safety Boat qualification with crewmember 16 years old or over and prepared to enter the water or be accompanied by a current PBI under direct supervision | In rare circumstances can be a single driver holding the RYA Safety Boat Qualification |
RYA Training activity Nominated Safety Boat | Adult Driver – RYA PB2 certificate and Club Safety Boat qualification. Crew – at least one crewmember 16 years old or over and prepared to enter the water | No |
RYA Training Activity Coach/Instructor Boat | Driver – PB2 accompanied by a crew 14 years old or over to count in Safety Boat ratio | Driver – PB2 – this would not count in Safety Boat ratio |
Photography/work activities | Driver Club Safety Boat Qualified Ideally accompanied by a crew-member in case of difficulties | In rare circumstances can be a single driver holding the RYA Safety Boat Qualification |
23. Personal buoyancy:
No person is allowed on the water or the pontoons and landing stages without adequate personal buoyancy unless they are on Life guard duty for the Open Water Swimmers. This shall be at least a waistcoat type buoyancy aid, appropriate to body weight and in good condition.
Adult windsurfers (over 18 years old) wearing a torso or full body wet suit, who may choose not to wear a buoyancy aid at their own risk.
SUP (Paddleboard) users must wear a waist or ankle leash at all times when on their board along with an approved buoyancy aid or EN ISO certified waist belt Personal Flotation Device (PFD).
Anyone not complying with this policy will be required to leave the water, pontoons and stages.
Parents must ensure their children are adequately supervised at all times when playing near the water. Children must wear adequate personal buoyancy which is correct for their age and weight. The buoyancy aid should be properly adjusted and fit well, so it cannot slip off (over the head). Leg straps are encouraged for small juniors. Note that the slipways and pontoons may not be used by young children except during rescue operations safety or training activities.
24. Clothing:
All water users are recommended to wear appropriate warm and windproof clothing whatever their competence or age. From November to March sailors are expected to wear wet suits or dry suits.
25. Calling for Assistance:
When in distress and in need of assistance on the water, water users should wave both arms high in the air, reaching across the head but not crossing. If possible display a bright flag or blow a whistle.
26. Swimming:
Swimming is only permitted as part of an organised activity approved by Sailing/ Executive Committee. This is undertaken by our associate group Nottingham Open Water Swimming (part of NOWCA) – Love Open Water at specific times (see Open water swimming details)
27. Fishing:
Fishing is not permitted at any time.
Updated December 2024