SCM information and selecting duties
Introduction about Sailing Club Manager: The club now has an integrated duty & membership system called Sailing Club Manager log in. This will contain details of all members including phone numbers etc and will be available from a sign in for all members. Below is a short article on the Duty System. Further below this are frequently asked questions, which may help answer any queries.
Firstly Log on to system, then go to Members Portal and Duty Roster. Check your details, the system allows you to change details (email, phone etc) allowing members to see your contact details is helpful.
What are the advantages for you? You will be able to log on to Sailing Club manager and volunteer directly for any vacant duties that you are able to do. No more sending a list of preferences and hoping for the best. Mind you after the 1st March the remaining unfilled duties will be allocated by our duty secretary to those who haven’t yet put themselves forward. So the earlier you get cracking the more likely you will get what you want rather than having to try to swap out of one you don’t.
How do you do it? All available duties you are eligible to do are highlighted on the duty roster with a great green button saying volunteer. Just press the button to sign up for that date and duty (it should appear on your own My Duties link)
What would we like you to do now? Volunteer for three duties next year including one sunday. Please volunteer for the most eligible duty you can do i.e. if you are a race officer please volunteer for that rather than a clerk! (this will be policed!!)
Other actions? Please log on to Sailing Club manager at as soon as possible to start planning ahead and get familiar with the system. The vice-commodore is here to help, please make your phone number and email visible to members so you are easy to contact (including in an emergency) you do this on Profile
Allow members to see your details change on your Profile
Log-ins are 1 per email address. If you would like more than one logon for a family email the Vice-commodore and we can add your nearest and dearest. No email or second log-on – no worries – I have a cunning plan!
FAQ – contact Vice Commodore
What happens now?
All eligible duties that you are deemed eligible for will be available for you to sign up for – just go to duty roster on the website and you will see green buttons against available dates. Just press the button and the duty will be allocated to you. Once you have volunteered for a duty it is yours to swap if you can no longer do it. If you make a mistake contact the Duty Secretary.
How many duties need to be covered?
Approximately 1200 per year not counting the bar, prize-giving, training etc. The club only carries on because of all the volunteering that we all do- something we should all be proud of
How many duties should I volunteer for?
We are asking all sailing members to volunteer for at least 3 duties one of which should be a Sunday. Of course you are welcome to volunteer for additional duties
How will the club know if all members are volunteering appropriately?
Trust us – the system knows!
What should I do if there are special circumstances that apply to myself or members of the family?
Feel free to contact the Duty Secretary to discuss in confidence. If you would like to volunteer for other activities e.g. social, bar, shore helper – we can always use your skills and enthusiasm
Can I accidentally volunteer for duties I can’t do?
No. Provided the details we have on the system are correct for you you will only be eligible for certain duty types and can’t volunteer for duties you can’t do. Any errors you might spot in how we seem to have you tagged please email
We only have one email address how do other family members obtain their duties?
You can ask the duty secretary or membership secretary to set up different emails for each family member (the simplest solution) or else just volunteer for more than one slot on the same day. Then email the duty secretary or membership with an explanation as to who is doing the second duty (or who is doing which date). We will then amend accordingly.
I don’t have an email
Feel free to ring or write to the duty secretary to request/negotiate duty dates.
What about instructing ?
Training is also moving to this duty system so we can see who is doing what. If you are actively training this will be taken into account. You will only be able to volunteer if we have a record of your instructor certificate (and its in date) then you will get. agree button next to appropriate training duty.
What about opens?
In the main the principal race officers for these will be allocated by the sailing secretary after discussion as is the case now
What about Tuesday night race officers
This is being finalised but they will appear on the system
Any other questions?
Feel free to raise these directly with the duty secretary.