Rooster NCSC Regatta 16/17 July 2022

The club regatta is traditionally held on the May bank holiday, but with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, and many Members away, it has been moved to mid-July in the hope of sunshine and a really good event. Camping see camping page.
Rooster is providing some excellent prizes – you don’t even need to pay an entry fee to be in with a chance of winning something.
The Vice Commodore and sailing committee have been busy behind the scenes and this is what is planned:
- Commodores Cup: 4 races (separate starts, fast, slow, junior, windsurfer) – see NOR for times
- Novice championship (not finished above 5th in previous year) – see NOR for times
Entry is in advance either online here or entry forms at bar. Closing date for entries is Thursday 14 July at 22.00 hours. Please note that you need to go right through to checkout (even though its free to members) to complete the entry.
Ken Twemlow will also be down Tuesday 12th July and Thursday 7th and 14th July so you can enter manually with Ken.
We are also planning some fun events such as:
a) Treasure hunt shore/water based
b) Duck racing (the plastic type!)
c) NCSC Bunting painting competition
Club members: racing is free. Visitors see NOR for prices to enter. Regatta NOR 2022
Saturday evening social 16 July.
Separate tickets available behind bar and online here
BBQ: to include a mixture of Lamb Burgers, Angus Beef Burgers, Pork Sausages, Marinated chicken pieces (Hickory smoked & Peri Peri Flavoured).
The bar opens at 6pm or before
Food: 7pm
Band 8pm
Vegetarian/Vegan options available – please state when booking
Ticket Prices:
Adult – £15.00
Age13 and under – £8.00
Music and Dancing ‘Stargazy’