NCSC Regatta 2024

The 2024 regatta saw some lightish winds but there was plenty of activity.

The results are below, more to follow.

Photos are from Paul Brown, Kathryn Ryan, Neil Chadborn, James Logan and Steve Gill (hope I have mentioned everyone), some where too small or repeats so there may be more to come.


Duck race raised £71 (plus gift aid) in aid of RNLI

Sun catcher winner Hannah

Regatta Noice Cup had 16 entries overall 2 races

Overall winner Jonathan and Lyra Ainsley in a flying 15 (trophy) 

2nd Lee Gent and Sarah Spotswood *entering their first race)
3rd novice Stirling Parker (junior aged 10)

Commodore Cup
1st slow Gwyneth Lanyon  AERO (trophy) 
2nd Stephanie Gunn SOLO
3rd Dana Church  SUPERNOVA

1st John  Marshall & Chris Holt (trophy) scorpion 
2nd Will Gardner & Nicki Theotritoff F15 
3rd Ross & Kathryn Ryan RS400

Winning overall Gwyneth Lanyon

1st Stirling Parker (trophy) topper 
2nd Jack Rowsell topper 
3rd Herbert Parker topper


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