5th April Rules Evening
There was a good turnout of nearly 50 people on a wet, but relatively mild evening in April to hear about rules round a typical club course.
Steve Watson was helped by Stephanie Gunn from the club to present the evening, organised by Ken Twemlow. Steve started with an illustration of rules from golf, the Highway Code and of course the racing rules. A short explanation on a few definitions, which are the basis of nearly every rule followed. The basic three rules, were:
- Into starts
- The first beat.
- Mark rounding … ah yes mark rounding the complex and interesting part.
Many of the experienced club sailors asking for clarification at several points.
It was great to see a large number of club sailors there, but it was a shame a few more of the youngsters couldn’t make it but great to see the ones that did.
Everyone learnt something … for me it was how little the rules had changed apart from a few details – over the last 40 years !