Sara Sutcliffe RYA Chief Executive visits
The RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Chief Executive Sara Sutcliffe visited the club on Tuesday 20th June.
She gave. short talk on the New Development plan direction, this long term plan for the sport is due to published imminently. The general direction is less KPIs but more on outcomes, which will vary from area to area and even club by club.
There were a good number of pertinent questions and comments, which had Sara taking notes on the feedback.
Afterwards Ross Ryan had organised a Stratos for a sail, so confident in Ross & John Sears helming she didn’t even change !! (or was it didn’t get time to). Shew as joined by Imogen the Midlands new Volunteer Officer, Ben Hodgson & Tim Hall stayed on shore. They went out to near the race start.
Afterwards she was treated to Mandy’s sausage bap and cake.
A few photos of evening.