Open Meetings

Open Meetings are held for the adopted classes. Open meeting Calendar. During the races no other sailing is allowed unless specified in the Club Racing Calendar or with the permission of the Race Officer. Note there may be changes to Open Meetings, if so relevant details will be posted on the Notice board near to the Race Office. The Sailing instructions for each meeting are linked at the bottom of this page.

The club has an enviable reputation, not only for the well organised open meetings on the water, but great catering off the water. There is space in the clubhouse for visitors to watch. We can normally accommodate camping for events, (contact the event organiser for details) but there is no electric hook up or chemical toilet disposal.

Please note all craft, clothing or anything else that will contact the water should follow the national invasive species cleaning protocol to prevent transfer of unwanted species.

The club has limited Wifi but there is generally a good mobile phone signal.

Open meetings 2025
First of Year 1 Jan 25First of Year 2025
County Cooler25/26 JanCounty Cooler 2025 

Nottm University Team racing

& Pondlife

8/9th Feb

22/23 Feb

2024 Snakebite


Spring Series   
Topper Traveller22 March (Sat) 
Topper SIs Mar 2025
Topper NOR March 2025 v2
Discover Sailing3 May   

Aero Open

10 May (sat)  
HANSA Open21 May (wed)report 2024 
Windsurf Open and Techno / Team 15Sat 21 June (Sat)Windsurf open 24 
NCSC Regatta5/6 JulyRegatta 24 report 
ILCA (laser) open12 July (Sat)

2024 Report

Junior open19 July2024 report 
RS400 open6/7 Sept2024 Report 
Women’s Aero Championships28 Sept  
Scorpion Open 11/12 OctReport 24 
Solo Open25 Oct ? (Sat) (TBC)  
Frostbite series27 Oct to 22 Dec  

Appendix to NOR invasive species procedure – applies to all boats sailed at other venues.


  • Junior age with respect to racing is defined by age of the competitor as of the 31st December of the year in which the event is held. The Junior Open is for those under 19 years
  • Actual start times for events are issued in the relevant Notice of Race (NOR).
  • Addition to all NOR : Invasive species procedure . this applies to all craft and clothing which have been used / sailed at venues other than NCSC.

Location of Club 
We are signed up to the RYA Racing Charter and would expect all to comply with this.


Lake map with buoy numbers 

Club Rules

Local accommodation

The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are on this open meeting page when available

Priority use of water during Open events at the club

The race course for Open events on the main lake is exclusively for the use of the competitors and the Race team during races. Other water users must keep clear of the boats that are racing. The Sailing Secretary may authorise (with the agreement of the Race Officer) other water user groups (Eg the University, Training section, Saturday Club & YRS) to run activities on small sections of the Main lake (Eg the Clubhouse end) which are not normally part of the racing area.

The Race Officer may give permission to other individual users to go on the Main Lake between races (Eg at lunchtime) or use small sections of the main lake such as the edges and sectors away from the race course (Eg for paddle boarding). The small lake is available at most times other than those reserved for Open water swimming (See page on club website) unless it is being used by Training or the University.

In all cases any group organiser or individual who plans to go on the water should make contact with the Race Officer on the day to check permission is granted and agree No-Go areas and times. There is a radio in the Race Office for this purpose. Note that the Open meeting Safety Team are primarily responsible for rescuing competitors. Group Organisers must book power boats and provide their own Safety crews.

Please give competitors priority use of the changing rooms an hour before the Open meeting start and 60 minutes after the finish of last race

Single hander
Lake and buoy numbering
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