Windsurf meal Nov 24
The clubhouse was put to good use last night as over 40 windsurfers arrived for an excellent roast meal from our new caterers Debs and Maddy. There was plenty to eat, a choice of meats and excellent Roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding, as usual Dean couldn’t fit everything on his plate, and had seconds !
There was plenty of chatter as friends caught up and the bar did some good trade.
It was wonderful to see Mike Moody and family there, whilst still in a wheelchair he is progressing slowly but was in fine form. At the end of the first course we handed out windsurfing Assistant Instructor certificates to Olly Bednell and Dean Hutchinson.
The most important and ornate certificates waited till last as Mike handed out Royal Humane Society Resuscitation certificates to Dean Hutchinson, Guy Sprekley and David Eberlin. Peter Hudson who was also awarded one, and led the rescue, was unfortunately away. Mike thanked all the rescue team, including Steve Thompson and Steve Kim as did his wife Jackie for their textbook response, which undoubtably saved Mike’s life. There is also no doubt the Lincs and Notts Air ambulance passing by also contributed considerably in reviving Mike.
The evening closed with sweets and another pint.