The windsurfing section has a vibrant race scene, with probably the largest Raceboard fleet in the country. We regularly have good turnout on Sundays, and if you are interested we can loan you Raceboards and help you get started.
Cruising especially in high winds is very popular, Dean is nearly always out, but also very happy to help when on the bank.
Windsurfing is for any age, we have a 6 year old trying it on Wednesdays, and an 83 year old still sailing in the summer, and all ages in between. We have RYA windsurfing courses generally starting in May (due to water temperature).
Wednesday afternoon and evening are popular, the lake is prioritised for windsurfing (though of course all are welcome). We have coaching and use of equipment available if instructors are down.
Team 15 is an RYA initiative, meant for under 15s and aims to provide a focus for similar aged youngsters to learn and improve. We are looking to bring some more youngsters on from the core we have now, please contact the fleet captain Guy Sprekley (or Sue) for more information, email us and the message can be passed on. NCSC Team 15 page